Baking funky fresh firsties clipart clip art

Baking funky fresh firsties clipart clip art

Baking funky fresh firsties clipart clip art

Baking funky fresh firsties clipart clip art. . Happy monday, y'all! . and how many days until friday? i swear that some mondays feel truly like 2 days put together. today's post is just a bunch of random thoughts. i haven't done a five for friday post or anything fun lately. so indulge me! ok. i love pinterest {have i mentioned that before?}. seriously. it's an addiction. well awhile back i decided to carry through on some of the things that i had pinned. i finally did one that i had been thinking of for a long time. i give you exhibit a: that's right. casual fridays just got a bit more classy! bwahaha! as soon as i picked up my jeans. i gave the girl the next few orders of things that i wanted desperately needed monogrammed. i'm telling ya. pinterest. it's like visual crack! if you are wanting a new crack buddy {um. totally joking} and would like to follow me on pinterest. click here! i don't disappoint! ok. up next. have i ever mentioned that i am a couponer. not quite like the people on the show that use to come on tv. but it is a game to try to figure out just how much i can save on our weekly grocery budget. i started getting serious about coupons a few years ago when we were furloughed and my paycheck went down by a few hundred dollars each month. i needed to find a way to cut some corners. enter coupons. actually enter southern savers. that website was a life changer for me. i stopped couponing when my life got messy earlier this year, but i am finally starting to find my groove again! exhibit b: i swung my starbucks. and armed with caffeine. i went to bi-lo (alone. yippee!) and was able to save almost $91 on this week's groceries. this is with laundry, dairy, fruit, meat, boys' lunch stuff, etc. it isn't the most i have saved. but i am happy to be saving again. check the website out. she does coupon match-ups for like 10 grocery stores as well as cvs, walgreens, etc. this weekend marked the beginning of fall. can i get an amen!?!?! seriously. south georgia is so flippin' hot 9 months out of the year. so i did what any southerner does. i started decorating. even though it is hot. exhibit c: . and how else did our family mark the beginning of fall? that's right. we headed to the beach for the day. we went out for lunch and then strolled on the beach for awhile. the boys were happy to dig in the sand and search for shells. i was happy to truly be enjoying my sunday. it was more about enjoying them. than dreading lesson plans,etc. exhibit d: speaking of lesson plans. one thing that made my week easier was this pack from lisa over at learning is something to treasure. exhibit e: seriously. y'all. this is over 300 pages of word work. and my firsties need the practice. i have my mats laminated and they love them. easy to print. and easy for the kiddos to understand! there have been lots of aha {lightbulb!} moments and a sense of empowerment that the kids seem to have. the clipart is super cute and inviting. i could go on and on. i love that it's so easy to set up. i'm all about convenience! that pack is part of the educents deal that is going on this week. have you checked it out yet? click the picture below to find out more! it's 18 packs. for less than $1.50 each. also. don't forget about the pin it to win it giveaway that i am doing. you get the chance to win any product from my store! yippee! click here to check out the giveaway! good luck. and i hope you have a great week. talk to y'all soon!
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