Dove pope petitions day of fasting and prayer for peace clipart clip art
Dove pope petitions day of fasting and prayer for peace clipart clip art
Dove pope petitions day of fasting and prayer for peace clipart clip art. A white dove flying with a green twig in it’s beak on a blue background. As you know, pope francis has asked for a worldwide day of prayer and fasting for peace, especially in syria and the middle east on saturday, september 7th. please fast and pray privately on this day of solidarity with our brothers and sisters all around the globe for the blessing.
Dove pope petitions day of fasting and prayer for peace clipart clip art. A white dove flying with a green twig in it's beak on a blue background. As you know, pope francis has asked for a worldwide day of prayer and fasting for peace, especially in syria and the middle east on saturday, september 7th. please fast and pray privately on this day of solidarity with our brothers and sisters all around the globe for the blessing. page source