Sunshine making phonics fun clipart clip art

Sunshine making phonics fun clipart clip art

Sunshine making phonics fun clipart clip art

Sunshine making phonics fun clipart clip art. An orange and yellow sun is in the middle of a white background. What is the weather like where you are? creative clips i really hope it is nicer than here! i live near boston, ma and we have had almost 90 inches of snow since january 27th - with more on the way tomorrow and this weekend. i woke up to wind chills over -20! it is not looking like an outside day today! i am abbey from a teacher mom! and today i am sharing with you a short post about my favorite thing to do with my firsties - play games! kids can only take so much of teacher talk and so much seat work - they need to be doing things. after introducing a new concept, i reteach the concept while teaching the game and they can continue practicing while they play. for example last week i taught bossy r sounds -ar and -or. we use the fundations program and cards like these to teach the sounds. then after a few days of reviewing the cards and reading some words i introduced the game bump. this got them reading words with the -ar and -or sounds and interacting with their peers! interested in the entire bossy r game pack? - find it here. want to try out bump for yourself? - try it here for free!
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